Rewriting Your Musical – Learning When and How to Make Changes

Summer 2022

Daniel Lazour and Patrick Lazour (He/Him/His)

Early bird: $250 | Regular: $300


Starts June 15, 2022

Maximum students:  10

Six-Week Online Course


Atlantic Time: 8pm-11pm

Eastern Time: 7pm-10pm

Central Time: 6pm-9pm

Mountain Daylight Time: 5pm-8pm

Mountain Standard Time/Pacific Time: 4pm-7pm


You’ve written the first draft of a musical. Congratulations. What next?

How do you revise your musical?  When there are so many moving parts to consider (music, book, lyrics, etc.), revisions can often seem like impossible tasks!

In this six-week course, award-winning writers Daniel Lazour and Patrick Lazour will guide you through the myriad steps that are involved in developing your musical from the first to the final draft. They will begin by focusing on revising lyrics, but will also touch on reworking your book, taking notes, working collaboratively, and staying on track. The strategies and techniques covered in the class will not only help participants to revise their current musicals; they can also be applied to future work.

Composers, lyricists, and librettists are all welcome to register for this course.

Requirements for this Class

A knowledge of musical theatre and, ideally, the writing of at least one musical under your belt.

Expectations for this Class

Students should possess a willingness to learn how to rewrite lyrics and dialogue; they should also be open to feedback from their instructors and their peers.

After Completion of Class

Students will have the comfort and confidence to know more about when and how changes need to be made to their musical, and the concrete ways to bring the changes to their collaborators.