Four Sample Tracks for the DGI Certificate of Writing

If you happen to be a NOVICE who’s new to dramatic writing, your track might look like this:

Semester 1: (9.5 total credits)
Architecture of Plays (4 credits)
Writing Workshop: Core Skills Part 1 (4 credits)
6 plays/reading performances (1.5 lab credits)

Semester 2: (8.5 total credits)
Artist as CEO (3 credits)
Writing Workshop: Core Skills Part 2 (4 credits)
6 plays/reading performances (1.5 lab credits)

Semester 3: (12 total credits)
Writing Workshop: Crafting Character (4 credits)
Weekend Warrior: Challenges of Dialogue (4 credits)
PIP (2 lab credits)
Independent study- writers group (2 lab credits)

Semester 4: (10 total credits)
Master Class: Playwriting with Austin Pendleton (4 credits) or
Master Writers Group with Janet Neipris (4 credits)
Career coaching (2 lab credits)
Independent study- writers group (1 lab credit)
Independent study- Self production (3 lab credits)

If you’re an ESTABLISHED PLAYWRIGHT who wants to write musicals, your track might look like this:

Semester 1: (8.75 total credits)
Architecture of Musicals (4 credits)
Talking Music (4 credits)
4 musicals/reading performances (.75 lab credits)

Semester 2: (11.75 total credits)
Artist as CEO (3 credits)
Writing Workshop: Lyric Writing (4 credits)
Preliminary PIP (2 lab credits)
Independent study- musical theatre writers group (2 lab credit)
4 musicals/reading performances (.75 lab credits)

Semester 3: (11.75 total credits)
Weekend Warrior: Composers and Orchestrators (4 credits)
Master Class: Crafting Your Own Solo Performance with Gretchen Cryer (4 credits)
Career coaching (2 lab credits)
Independent study- musical theatre writers group (1 lab credit)
4 musicals/reading performances (.75 lab credits)

Semester 4: (7.75 total credits)
Master Class: Musical Theatre Writing with Kirsten Childs (4 credits)
Final PIP (2 lab credits)
Independent study- musical theatre writers group (1 lab credit)
4 musicals/reading performances (.75 lab credits)


If you’re a DISILLUSIONED DRAMATIST who wants to fall in love with writing again, maybe this would be your track:

Semester 1: (10 total credits)
Architecture of Plays: Political and Cultural (4 credits)
Master Class: Ten Minute Plays with Tina Howe (4 credits)
PIP (2 lab credits)

Semester 2: (11 total credits)
Specialty Workshop: Acting for Dramatists (4 credits)
Specialty Workshop: Writing Autobiography (4 credits)
12 plays/reading performances (3 lab credits)

Semester 3: (9 credits)
Specialty Workshop: Finishing What You Started (4 credits)
Specialty Workshop: The Art of Rewriting (4 credits)
Independent study- writers group (1 lab credit)

Semester 4: (10 total credits)
Artist as CEO (3 credits)
Career Coaching (2 lab credits)
Garrison Writers Lab (5 lab credits)


If you’re a LITERARY SCHOLAR who is hoping to teach, a track like this could be right for you:

Semester 1: (9.5 total credits)
Architecture of Plays (4 credits)
Architecture of Musicals (4 credits)
6 plays/reading performances (1.5 lab credits)

Semester 2: (9.5 total credits)
Architecture of Plays by Women (4 credits)
Artist as CEO (3 credits)
6 plays/reading performances (1.5 lab credits)

Semester 3: (10.5 total credits)
Architecture of Plays: Political and Cultural Part 1 (4 credits)
Master Class: Master Writers Group with Janet Neipris  (4 credits)
6 plays/reading performances (1.5 lab credits)
Independent study – lesson plan/ teaching (2 lab credits)

Semester 4: (10.5 total credits)
Architecture of Plays: Political and Cultural Part 2 (4 credits)
PIP – could the PIP be teaching them how to critique a script? (2 lab credits)
Career Coaching (2 lab credits)
6 plays/reading performances (1.5 lab credits)
Independent study – lesson plan/teaching (1 lab credit)