Edith Freni



Their DGI Teaching History includes Architecture of Musicals: Plays by Women, and Writing Workshop: Finishing What You’ve Started.

Edith is also a Plays in Progress Mentor. Her mentor interests: historical/science themed, adaptations, research-heavy, formally ambitious, realism, dark comedy, epic. Request Edith as a PIP Mentor.

“The plays I’m drawn to might take place in a single location and focus on a single problem, but bubbling up underneath that simplicity is a complex statement about what it means to be human in this world. I dig plays that use realism as a foundation but mix in elements from a variety of different forms to tell intricate, epic stories about where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re going. If you’re asking big questions about gender, race, technology, the experiment of democracy, the cyclicality of history and/or where our world is headed, then whatever form you choose, I’ll find my way in and we’ll have a blast figuring out how to get the play in your head and the play on the page in line with one another.”